“I agree with apple being far ahead of the competiton. Microsofts new adds of children as young as 4 is just their awful attempt of countering the highely successful apple adds, which repeatedly makes pc look terrible. As for the iPhone HD, while I agree the technology is already there. I believe you are off on the name. As we can see from Microsoft changing names of products tend to lead into issues. How many different OS has micro had that have all had different names but did pretty much the same thing as it's last counter part. Apple is knowen for their simplistic user friendly products and I just see them just increasing the number. Like iPhone 5g or something. Also I think HD isn't as rare as it us to be and the name toe (now?) feels bland”- Chad Brown
So where does Apple come up with all of these names for their products? And how did I come up with the name iPhone HD?
Well the “i” unquestionably comes from the original iMac, and has since been translated into so many of their products, save the MacBook lines. The original incarnation of the “I” was put in front of the shortened computer name Macintosh, at a time when the internet was catching the public crazy. And as you can probably guess or have heard, stands for internet signifying, the iMac’s ease at connecting to the Internet. Just as the Mac that was for the Education sector was labeled “eMac” and the Canadian version was labeled “ehMac” – Just kidding on the Canuck version.
The branding is to identify aspects of the product. Now lets get down to gritty and look at the iPhone and more importantly why I believe that the next iPhone will be called the iPhone HD.
The original iPhone was nice and simply called the iPhone. This is because there were no others and it was the first, so no real need to start adding monikers to it.
The next iPhone that many of us and especially us Canadian’s fell in love with was called the iPhone 3G. It was labeled this, not because it was a 3rd Generation, but because it was capable of connecting to the 3G networks that GSM cellular providers were using.
The iPhone 3GS. What is that telling us? It is explaining that it still connects to the 3G networks. And thanks to Phil Schiller we know that the S stands for Speed. After using this device for only 24 hours – how appropriate is that name! As this thing is FAST!!!!!
iPhone 5G
What could the name iPhone 5G refer to? Is it the 5th Generation iPhone? – No, it would be the 4th Generation. Is it connecting to the 5G network? – No, as far as I know, they are only starting to work on the 4G network. So I am curious as to where you come up with that branding.
iPhone HD
The way I came up with the branding iPhone HD is actually quite simple. With the progression of the video card, in the iPhone 3GS, the progression of the camera, and the progression of the CPU and RAM, it is clear that Apple is heading somewhere. If you read my post, it was entirely focused on the fact that I believe Apple is going to go head to head with Camera, and HDD HD Camcorders, with their iPhone. I mean think about it, most people do not need more than 5 MP and 3X OZ out of their digital camera. And most HD camcorders are 60GB space.
If an iphone came out utilizing the ability to process 720p video, you would achieve 5MP digital stills automatically. They would undoubtedly double the amount of CPU, RAM, and HDD (64GB) again. As well as sharpen the screen resolution, possibly even making it slightly bigger. It would make sense for them to feature these HD features, in their branding logo’s hence, iPhone HD.
The only other name I could see them calling the 4th Generation iPhone, is the iPhone PRO. However I believe that if an iPhone comes out with the branding of PRO, the feature upgrades will be focused not so much on digital media, but on Enterprise, and Business securities. I mean, that’s why they came out with the MacBook Pro line, is for Professionals.
I am curious to hear what idea’s any of my readers, have on apple products to come, or branding ideas.
My name of the apple iPhone 5g was just an example of how I see the iPhone going. With the ability of HD the phone would require much better hardware like you've stated in your last post. But with better picture quality there's a need for a faster connection. Which is why I think apple will continue to release iPhones with better speed, staying true to their 3g counterpart. They'll need a steady connection that will have the power to download/process/render HD video. Who knows? perhaps they will do what they did with the 3G, and release the iPhone 4G, only later to release the iPhone 4G HD.